Upload Yours‘ debut features the works of Josh Rachlis, Pot of Coffee, Lars Classington, Jeff D’Silva and Perrodue5. Kelsey Anonsen performs some scats, earning four segments for some reason.
Josh Rachlis’ “An Inconvenient Proposal” is Upload Yours’ best sketch so far. It’s a white boy rap, but Rachlis forms the rap around his hard-on for An Inconvenient Truth producer Laurie David. His Upload Yours clip is well-edited and professional, if a bit obsessive over Larry David’s ex-wife.
Maybe it’s just me, but an 11-minute show shouldn’t have three white boy rappers. Too many segments are wasted on one man’s deliberately bad attempt at scatting. This is what Upload Yours considers a dynamite first episode? Seriously? Upload Yours‘ debut has very little variety.
I don’t have anything against the people who submit clips to the Upload Yours website. At least Upload Yours brings forth some people not generally seen on The Comedy Network, but I’m not stupid enough to think UY is anything more than time filler.
What can I really expect from a site where the best-rated clips are termed Monster Balls? Screw Funny or Die’s straightforward ratings system. This is The Comedy Network! They need to base popularity on testicle size! Eh, at least TCN’s not reviving Popcultured…this year.
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