Well, the push for publicity with regards to the continuing series of hockey lockout links I'm poopin' out has netted me appearances at Off Wing Opinion and On the Wings. It's a thankless job, granted, and I'm starting to get sick of linking to a bunch of op-ed articles and AHL blurbs so it's probably time for a change-up or ten as the days go by. I'm going to be doing some reviews of DVDs and music albums for UR soon (seriously, I am) so if you're starting to get sick of this topic, I am too so it's not just you.
Man, I'm amazed I've done this for eleven days.
The Hockey News has gone overboard with the articles today, which isn't surprising given what the shibboleths there have to write about. Instead of palming the NHL with puff pieces about Ed Belfour's decreasing usefulness to the Leafs (to think the Leafs dumped Corey Schwab for him) there are puff pieces about Bob Goodenow's decreasing usefulness as if Alan Eagleson never existed in the first place. I'm not going to make a paragraph for each link from THN, but I am going to post the lockout-related links if you're a fan of the mag. To wit:
Lockout affects me, too!: Good for you. At least you still have a job, Mr. Simpson.
Return to Red Deer excites Phaneuf
CHL teams relieved to keep prospects
Hasek's AHL stint draws criticism: Boohoo, the AHL's got Hasek. Suck it up and try to dismantle the Dominator, babies.
Talented Boyes skates with baby B's: Baby B's. Cute.
Amerks looking to Roy for offense
Reign of errors: Would've liked to see this article in more detail. Poop on you, Hockey News
Give me my NHL back!: Man, so much op-ed. Without it, I bet THN would be six pages of stats or something.
Words need a lockout: Man bites dog in this article. Without the big words, Mr. Brender, you wouldn't have a column deriding them.
Fans get shafted again if NHL doesn't go to Italy: I think Olympic hockey would be shafted if the NHL does go to Italy. Amateur hockey deserves its props, 'cause Canada's team is strong enough to hold its own in the world.
How long can they sit?: As long as you, I betcha. Ha, I made a "funny."
SLAM! Sports/Toronto Sun: I'm not a fan of using the term "Baby" to refer to a minor-league club with the same nickname as its major-league counterpart. It sounds too much like baby talk, like people are referring to some midget Jr. A club or something. Give Mikael Tellqvist a bellyfart now, goo goo goo goo goo.
Yes, I'm aware I take the baby fetish thing to extremes when I do it. It's gay, but it's MY gay. See, there's a difference. Because I said so. Yes.
SLAM! Sports/Ottawa Sun: Curtis Leschyshyn's getting into competitive cycling while laid off. Surprisingly, he's not as bad at it as some would think.
CBC Sports Online: The number of NHLers in Europe is up to 173 as Jaroslav Svoboda and Lubomir Visnovsky are the newest NHLers to piss off. Weirdly, almost one-third of the players are playing for the Czech Republic.
Boston Herald: Owners, players refuse to warm up. Duh, tell us something we don't know. Article is more a wrap-up than anything else, but that's okay. People need wrap-ups now and again.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle (NY): Article about Dominik Hasek. He's waffling on the Binghamton stint. Includes a picture of his man-tits.
Financial Post/National Post: 72% of the Canadian businessmen polled by COMPAS Inc. support imposing a salary cap on players. I'm sure most of the 72% would love to downsize them players if they could, I betcha. Hey, something needs to be done to justify the millions in stock options and severance pay.
Daily Herald-Tribune (Grande Prairie, Alberta): Fans in Alberta no likey lockout.
FOX Sports: Examination of the Russian Super League, with 30 NHLers to its credit. At least it's a change-up from all these monotonous North American stories about how bad the lockout is. If this is televised, this should be fun.
Toronto Star/Sports Media: TSN is filling time that would've been used for hockey with NCAA football games. This is good, but I agree with Chris Zelkovich that Canadian universities should get their football games televised. Then again, my university doesn't have a football team so I'm SOL. At least the Ravens basketball program is great, hope the games aren't televised on a third-rate channel like freakin' Sportsnet again.
More to come, as Variety once mistakenly put in a headline. The article, by the way, was about his appearance in a cheap sexploitation film around the mid-1970's. This is a joke, by the way; I just needed to be creative and shit.