The sale ends on Sunday. Strangely enough, so does Thanksgiving. Weird, huh?
The Olden Days, When This Site Still Called Itself Unbelievably Retarded
"Hello people, because I [THE MONOLITH DEATHCULT manager Rutger Cup] led in the verbal war against the radical left liar from Switzerland, I wil be the one that will proudly present you our last statement concidering this matter. |
"Usually I do the typing and arguing, but this discussion was so heavy that the band deicided that they should write the last message to Mike the liar. We also decided to give you all the opportunity to download the songs in question. Listen, read and be your own judge! [I AM NOT SHILLING FOR THE BAND BY POSTING THEIR MP3S] lyrics |
"Mike, if you really think we needed your shitty site to promote the new album, you are taking too much credit for yourself. Though I think your site is a good initiative, you lost your mind somewhere on the way. We will give you free entrance to one of our major shows in Switzerland + a copy of the new album and a bunch of flowers for the free publicity. On the other side, you should be thanking us for the major hits on your site last few weeks. If you are thinking of a sponsor, we will make you an offer you can't refuse |
"What's the problem with slaughtering the legions of Mohammed? Mohammed was leader of a very violent group whose motto was 'Worship our God or die.' "Does Mike Meier also accuse DEICIDE for being racist because they hate Christians? "Mohammed was also a man who thought it was normal to have sex with his best friend's 9-year-old daughter (Aïsja). So Mike Meier is fan of a paedophilic warlord with hatred and intolerance against other religions, Jews and non-belivers? Mike, you are a die-hard left-wing fascist! |
"Quote from the MAR website: " 'If you have a website, put our banner on your site with a link to and send an e-mail to [email protected] with your website address.' "But then again: " [Quoting Mike] 'I'm sure you'll notice they're conspicuously absent from our members list, and of course they've never contacted me about putting the banner on their site.' "And today: " [Quoting Mike's statement to BLABBERMOUTH.NET] 'Months later, I got an e-mail from one of the band members notifying me that the banner was on their site. I replied letting them know I wouldn't link back.' "What the fuck?? "Apparently, Mr. Meier is tolerant enough to accept only members of his own creed, colour and liking. Actually, he should be thankful for giving his shabby website a shitload of page hits. |
"You are so fucking blind. We really can't believe our eyes when we read your 'arguments.' Do you ever watch the Daily News? The Middle East is a powder keg. There's genocide in Darfur by Muslim militia. In Thailand the Muslim youth went mad and attacked police officers for some months ago. On the Balkan there were genocides. In Indonesia, where Buddhism and Christianity have lived peacefully with each other until the Laskar Jihad started a war. "Who was ALWAYS involved there? The Islam or better The Pest of Arabia. |
"In early 2004, I noticed TMDC were using one of the Metalheads Against Racism banners on their website. There was no link to the MAR site, and I had never been informed by the band that they were using the banner. The usual deal on MAR is you put the banner on your site with a link, e-mail me, and then you're added to our members list. This put me in an uncomfortable situation as it was obvious they were just using the banner to reduce some of the damage they had inflicted on themselves during their European tour in 2003, when a number of people heard them run their mouths about how they hate Muslims (see also the guestbook entry from Rvschti on their website). "However, reacting to this would inevitably entail having to mention them by name and clearly call them racists, which is something that's usually not done on the MAR site. The site doesn't exist for anyone to point fingers at others, and the FAQ clearly states this. I decided to put a short statement on the news page anyway. I explain this at such great length because the band is trying to make it look like I accused them unprovokedly, which simply isn't true. "Months later, I got an e-mail from one of the band members notifying me that the banner was on their site. I replied letting them know I wouldn't link back. Nothing happened for a long time. Now, almost eight months after the news entry on MAR went up, they're turning this into a huge thing. Why? I'll tell you why. To get their name on Blabbermouth. It's been a while since they've been in the media, and they've got a new album coming out. It's that simple. And of course I was also never informed that any of this was going to be published anywhere. "So now I have to issue this statement. I'd rather not participate in any of this as it's so obviously nothing but a promotional stunt, but it looks like I have to. They demanded proof, so I will give you the facts. This will be the only statement from me about this, any further participation in this hypocrisy will only serve its real purpose, to promote the band, and I refuse to be a part of that. |
"In all honesty, I think their 'open letter' (which I didn't know was an open letter, of course, as the e-mail I got was addressed only to me) that talks about how Holland has become a 'haven for terrorists' because they treat their fugitives too well should really be proof enough, but there's more. They claim none of this was ever evident in their lyrics, so let's take a look at some of the lyrics on 'The Apotheosis'. "Excerpts from two songs about Vlad the Impaler's slaughter of the Turks: "From 'Forest of Flesh': " 'Bow for me, pathetic mortals, your God is dead for ages, Impaled like thousands of your despised people, Eyes gazing glassy and vacant at the bloodred sky, Violently condemned to see your dying God above, 'We are born in the moonlight and killed by the sun We are the bloodsucking creatures of the night', My knights of hell slaughter the legions of Mohammed, The tortured Mudjahedeen scream their agony upon the stake.' "From 'Cathedral of Corpses': " 'Allah's war is lost today, Dark Seraphim, Slayer of Jihad, Death in Carpathia, the massacre is done, Face the flesh horizon, destructor, misantrophe, The corpses of the impaled Turks penetrate your hopes." "Of course, this is an historical event (the reference to vampirism aside), but it's rather telling that this band who claims to only be talking about their contempt for terrorists also likes to write graphic descriptions of Turks being butchered, repeatedly driving home the point that they're Muslim - in not one, but two songs. They could've picked any historical subject, but apparently this tickled their fancy (granted, there's also one song about Attila the Hun and one about ancient Rome on the album). Last I checked, there were no suicide bombers in the 15th century. "But it gets better, in the song 'Desecration of the Black Stone', which isn't about any historical event, but more like a fantasy about butchering Muslims and desecrating the Ka'ba. There are frequent references here that go back to the previous two tracks about Vlad, the phrase 'Slayer of Jihad' (which is also printed as the title in big bold letters on the bio sheet they sent out with the promo of the album, by the way) pops up again both in the lyrics and the title, 'Cathedral...' being 'Slayers of Jihad Part I' and 'Desecration...' being Part II, and we find whoever the protagonist is supposed to be saying 'In my dreams I go back to the forest of flesh/Where the Ottomans lay slain before the cathedral of death.' Obviously, TMDC's interest in Vlad the Impaler is far from being purely historical, they see him as a great example of how Muslims should be dealt with. My 'favorite' part of that song, however, is this: " 'The blood of your forefathers shall be shed on mount Arafat, The bastard sons of Abraham shall never rise up again, The laws of the Sharia will not impress upon us, Your holy army, blotted out pounded into sand, The pest of Arabia shall not overwhelm us.' "The bastard sons of Abraham? The pest of Arabia shall not overwhelm us? How is this a reference to terrorists and not simply Arabs in general? It isn't. Three out of the nine songs on 'The Apotheosis' are about slaughtering Muslims, or rather, 'the pest of Arabia', and when the band is asked about their views, we get responses like this: " 'Name one Muslim country that's worth living in. There is none.' (translated from Rock Hard magazine, issue 193, page 61 - "Or, more recently: " 'Everone knows that if there are Muslims in the game there is always a lot of trouble, blood and death.' (by TMDC HQ, in the band's guestbook) "Or they complain about how well their country treats foreign fugitives. "These are the facts. You be the judge." |
As the old saying goes, fuck'em if they can't take a joke! If Christianity and everything else that has been bashed by heavy metal lyrics during the last 30 years are still very much alive and kicking, then I think we can rightfully asume, that Islam can handle a few bashings, too. This Mike Meiers needs a dick up his nose, and some Stryper cd's to boot. Heavy metal is not about conformism, and not about cencorship, where only particular subjects are allowed. |
Seriously, people like this Meier pussy are a big reason why Europe will be competely overrun by the Muslim scourge within 30 years have them begging for good ol Uncle Sam to head over there with a giant emema. Don't worry guys, we'll bring the one with the extra strength suction action. |
Mike Meier is a roller coaster! |
Right now I'm laying on the couch flipping though my 400+ channels as I scratch my balls, digest the obscenly large beef dinner I just ate, think about the shit I'm going to take, and wait on my pretty little lady friend to come over here with beer and sex on her mind. And hell, I don't even have a good job or alot of money! If there's a more free country, please let me in on it so I can kiss your ass. |
Who gives a fuck about someones beliefs. If you don't like a band casue you suspect them ov being racist don;t fuckin listen to them. So what they bash on islam. We regularly listen to music that bashes christianity. Everyone deserves criticism. After septembet 11th muslim extremist deserve every negative point we can muster. I am not condoning any stereotypes of "all muslims". I am saying as with all people some are good some are bad. Fuck anyone who kills someone for their difference in beliefs. I am straightedge yet I don;t kill fake ass sellouts. No I only worry about me and my life the choices ov others are ov others plain and simple. If muslims don't like criticism than change yoiur ways stop the brutality, stop the insanity. Clean up your act and quit complaining. Same goes fro any religion. Look at christianity in america. The most hypocritical ov faiths in this country. In churches they were actually telling their followers who to vote for based on certain issues.Fuck that if you don't pay taxes than you don't have a right to influence politics. Now we got to deal with this redneck moron for four more years! Not to say kerry was any better but this ignorent fool fucked us all. I digress. Fuck all beliefs. Think for yourself! |
OK, before reading this post, go back & read all the earlier posts. I'll wait.... Done? OK, here are the FACTS: 1.) Muslims are a bunch of sexually repressed misogynists. 2.) Muslims smell. 3.) Muslims are killing our people & releasing the vids to our media. 4.) Muslims are totally into the "My God has a bigger dick than your God" mentality & therefore, if you don't like my God with a bigger dick, then you should die, yankee infidel whatever.... 5.) Hating Muslims isn't hating a race. Living in Iraq, Iran, etc., doesn't make you a Muslim......I'm sure there are some Christians somewhere. 6.) Muslims enjoy several things above others in life: Allah, white women, curry, hotels, and Quickie Marts (just look) 7.) Muslims can be ANY color. 8.) The Monolith Deathcult aren't racist......they are simply in danger of being overlooked because they SOUND LIKE EVERY OTHER FUCKING DEATH/BLACK/ETC. METAL BAND OUT THERE!! 9.) You can't even understand the lyrics anyway....(guuuurrrrggg) 10.) Bruiser Brody was the best professional wrestler to ever grace the ring before Mick Foley took the torch & ran with it. 11.) Muslims can pray all they want......we will hand them their ass on a rusty platter & make them LIKE it! 12.) It's a perfectly normal human reaction to HATE!!!! So why not hate Muslims? They hate us, don't they? If you don't agree, see above number 4.) 13.) They don't want porn in their country (which echoes number one on this list.... And most importantly, 14.) They REALLY DO SUCK!!!! So what's the big deal? I just think it's a shame they have great lyrics on some pretty shitty cookie-cutter riffage........I mean, COME FUCKING ON!!!! TMD could do better than this!! You're welcome! |
The only racist comment would only the one direct toward Arabs. Any comment directed towards Muslims is not racist. Here's why: The word "muslim" doesn't describe a race but a religion. You can have white muslims, arab muslims, asian muslims and black muslims. I noticed on the Metalheads Against Racism, that there are a few black metal bands mentioned. These guys can talk all the shit they want about christianity but once someone speaks up about Islam, holy shit, they're racist. Can you say, "HYPOCRITE" Fuck you and fuck Islam ISLAM IS LAME! |
There was a study done very recently about rascist people. It boils down to 98% of rascist people were sexually molested by a family member and they ended up liking it a lot so know that sexual molestation turned to anger and then rascism.Aslo that can explain the high degree of mental retardation rascist people normally have. People lets give them a break here.Is not easy living in a trailer with no electricity and being pounded in the ass 4 hours a day by bubba. So rascist people suck cousin dick and they can come here aand lick my hairy balls, mother fuckers. |
Mike the fucking lair wrote on his site: " I'm sure you'll notice they're conspicuously absent from our members list, and of course they've never contacted me about putting the banner on their site." Mike the fucking liar wrote today: ""Months later, I got an e-mail from one of the band members notifying me that the banner was on their site. I replied letting them know I wouldn't link back." Who is the real asshole here? The Monolith Deathcult will put later this day an official reaction on their site. Hold on! |
what's racist about these lyrics?! The band simply comes up with some historical facts and seeing the Islam as a threat to our western civilisation is nothing more than being pure realistic... By the way, there are several mosques burning right now in Holland (as a result of a Muslim douchebag killing an outspoken Dutch writer/cineast) so it seems people are finally waking up ! Allah Akhbar?? Je moeder!!!! |
The true test of believing in freedom of speech is the williness to stand up for the freedom of speech of somebody you don't agree with. i may not agree with nazis, racists, homophobes, haters of christianity, judaism, or islam, but i'll damn well stand up for their right to say what they feel. that's what fucking freedom is all about!! |
COMMENT | I am free of all prejudice - i hate everyone equally posted by : Glorioso 11/7/2004 6:15:25 PM - some philosopher/writer/whatever guy. |