"WE'RE NOT RACISTS, ANY RETARD CAN SEE IT!" Dutch brutal death metal band THE MONOLITH DEATHCULT have issued a statement defending themselves against accusations that they are "known racists." Specificially, the band are speaking out in response to the following article posted at the Metalheads Against Racism web site by its webmaster, Mike Meier:
"The Dutch band THE MONOLITH DEATHCULT is using the [Metalheads Against Racism] banner on their website. Funnily enough, there's no link to us, they've just got the banner on there. THE MONOLITH DEATHCULT are known racists, I have talked to them on one of the Swiss metal message boards and made it abundantly clear what I think of them. I also know at least five people who have talked to them 'in real life' and heard them spout their racist shit. Putting the banner on their site is nothing but a hypocritical act of damage control because they're afraid nobody will book them for shows anymore now that most of the European [death metal] scene knows what a bunch of racists they are. I'm sure you'll notice they're conspicuously absent from our members list, and of course they've never contacted me about putting the banner on their site."
THE MONOLITH DEATHCULT have responded to Meier's comments by issuing the following statement:
"When you write lyrics about the slaughter and killing of Christians, no one feels offended, but when you write lyrics against the radical Islam they call you a racist. That is the tolerant view of Metalheads Against Racism.
"Anyway, for the dumb, ignorant and radical left; Here we go again....
"We of THE MONOLITH DEATHCULT are fully aware that certain historically accurate matters are quite sensitive in some countries.
"THE MONOLITH DEATHCULT is NOT a political band. We distinguish between race and religion. We know that most people are too retarded to take a good look at our lyrics, but we refuse to lyrically adapt and limit ourselves to suit the IQ of the contemporary metal fan.
"THE MONOLITH DEATHCULT treats historical happenings as they occured throughout the ages. Sometimes it happens that a topic is treated which certain people rather would not be reminded about because of the heinous deeds of their forefathers."
THE MONOLITH DEATHCULT will release their sophomore album, "The White Crematorium", on January 24, 2005 through Karmageddon Media. The band, who recently announced the addition of touring member Carsten Altena to the group's ranks, released their debut album, "The Apotheosis", in 2002 through Cold Blood Industries. The band have previously toured Europe with the likes of THE CROWN and SKINLESS.Brilliant. Just
brilliant. Look, I tend to sway towards the "political left" (and not because I'm one of them "socialist Canadians" as I'm sure you'll point out) but I can't agree with either side of the discussion here just on the face of it. First of all, The Monolith Deathcult ruin their argument by calling out "the dumb, ignorant and radical left." Great PR, guys. That doesn't make you seem like a political band
at all, calling your detractors stupid fucks. That's
real smart.
Also, there's something about the "Metalheads Against Racism" idea that rings false with me. People know I had a page about "tr00 black metal warriors" at one point, and some people probably do believe I'm a PC pussy because of that and other things I write. The point of that article, though, wasn't about racism; it was about hypocrisy. You know why I always change articles like that? It's because I feel things like that piece of writing aren't as good as I thought they were when I wrote the articles in question. I couldn't care less about racism, but that's because after a few years of writing about metal I realised that the problem with regards to the metal scene is how fucking
serious and
repetitive people in the world scene tend to act and/or be. Do you think I worry about "the jewbags" of the scene or how gay alt-rock is? Maybe I used to when I did that issue of
Metal Strike Force (I was in a different mindset three years ago, ask anybody), but these days I'm more worried about things like label business practices and how certain people can't distance something like a piece of music - which, shorn of vocals, is really just a bunch of abstract noises - from the lifestyle that's supposed to go along with it. Do I want metal to be "safe?" Hell no, but I couldn't care less if somebody thinks I'm gay because of who I like, what my personal beliefs are or whatever. Really, anybody who reads a site like mine who doesn't get the joke won't ever get it. There are other things than racism or religion in black metal to talk about, you know. Maybe more people should, um, start talking about such things?
By the way, that stupid No Nazi backdrop behind the Metalheads Against Racism site is just
stupid. It's about as bad as the punk patches with the man throwing the swastika in the garbage can. Sometimes those patches aren't far away from a "Cops Suck!" patch. Things like that are more indicative of
trendiness than
this page hurt my head. Seriously.
"Far From The Sun"UPDATE: Sorry this wasn't up earlier/was posted three times this afternoon. For some reason Blogger was on the rag this afternoon. Point still stands, though.